The Full Story
Brain and Body Health Institute is designed to offer an integrative approach to medical care and evaluation. Our private practice was started by Dr. Van Boven, M.D., D.D.S., with the idea that - in order to treat the brain - the whole body must be treated as well.
"The secret to caring about patients is to care about the patient." - Sir. Frances Peabody,
A "whole-patient" approach to empower.
We offer extra long consultations to establish an accurate and thorough medical history. Every patient walks out of their appointments with a copy of their care plan written plain English (no technical jargon). known as their "road map," We provide written care plans so each patient and/or caregiver is at the helm of their own health.
Curriculum Vitae
(website under construction)
1980- 1982
Loyola University of Chicago
Biology studies. Early acceptance to dental school
University of Illinois
Doctorate of Dental Science (D.D.S)
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Medical Doctorate (M.D.)
The Johns Hopkins University
Postdoctoral fellowship. Studied somatosensory mechanisms and recovery using psychophysical and neurophysiologic methods under Kenneth O. Johnson, Ph.D.
University of Maryland Shock Trauma Ctr.
Anesthesiology fellowship
Harvard University, Beth Israel Deaconess
Neurology Residency
Northwestern University
Neurology Residency
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, The National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Clinical Associate at the NIH's Laboratory of Brain and Cognition. Functional MRI studies of perception and brain plasticity.